Since the beginning of 2016 UnderHost started to upgrade all our infrastructure, some of our servers dated from 2011.

We upgraded all our US/Canada based hosting, upgraded resources and hardware on all our VPS/Dedicated line with new locations and added Cloud hosting from OnApp.

Now it’s time for some love for our offshore shared servers we will be performing webserver hardware upgrades on all our shared servers in our bulletproof servers in Netherlands.

Your account on CNL4 will remain with the same nameservers, if you are using third party DNS or CloudFlare directly you need to change your IPs.

(Check your email for the new IPs)

Otherwise we are confident that this change will have only minimal effect and unnoticeable effect as we keep both servers online during the transition.

New hardware mean for you better efficiently, newest CPU so even more powerful, fastest RAM so all around an upgrade to the core of your business.

Moving on Latest Dell E3 Servers with 32GB of RAM, Centos 7, Now Including PHP7 as well as all previous PHP version with still our powerful nGinx setup, dedicated off-site backup daily and PHP configuration on the fly via cPanel. We are also adding support for Let’s Encrypt SSL, does SSL are not recognized by every browsers but if you need simply encryption for personal use it’s free!

Thank for your continued support!
